Safeguarding Your Home: The Surge in Ontario Home Burglaries and the Role of Insurance | Merit Insurance Brokers Inc., Toronto, Waterdown

Safeguarding Your Home: The Surge in Ontario Home Burglaries and the Role of Insurance

In recent months, Ontario has witnessed an alarming increase in home burglaries, leaving residents concerned about the safety of their homes and belongings. As a responsible homeowner, understanding the role of insurance in protecting your property becomes paramount in navigating this unsettling trend. In this blog, we cover how your insurance can play a role in your protection, steps to prevent burglaries, and what to do in the event of a break-in.

What Your Insurance Protects

Your insurance coverage is your first line of defence against the financial aftermath of a burglary. Home insurance typically covers:

  • Property Damage: Reimbursement for damages caused during a break-in.
  • Stolen Belongings: Compensation for stolen personal items, including electronics, jewellery, and other valuables.
  • Replacement of Locks: Costs associated with changing locks after a burglary.
  • Vehicle Theft: Comprehensive coverage on your automobile policy may extend to stolen vehicles if they were taken from your property. This includes vehicles stolen by burglars searching for car keys inside your home.
  • Dwelling Coverage: Home insurance provides coverage for the structure itself, offering financial protection against damages caused by burglaries. This includes repairs or reconstruction of your home if it’s vandalized or broken into.
  • Loss of Use Coverage: If a break-in renders your home uninhabitable, loss of use coverage can cover additional living expenses. This includes temporary housing or other potential costs incurred while your home is being restored.
  • Liability Coverage: Home insurance extends beyond theft protection. It also shields you from legal repercussions if someone is injured on your property during a burglary attempt. Liability coverage helps cover medical expenses and potential legal fees.

What role does your deductible play?

A deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Be sure to understand your deductible amount and how it applies to theft-related claims.

Limitations on valuables may exist for certain high-value items, such as jewellery, art, or collectibles. If you have especially valuable items, you will need to purchase additional coverage or a rider to ensure they are adequately protected.

Proactive Steps Towards Security

Protecting your home requires a proactive approach. Here are some tips to deter burglars and fortify your property:

  1. Secure Entry Points: Always keep your house and vehicle locked at night and when not in use. A well-illuminated exterior can also deter potential burglars.
  1. Car Key Safety: Given the rising trend of burglars seeking car keys, keep them away from easy access points. Avoid leaving keys on entryway tables or near windows.
  1. Install a Security System: Investing in a reliable security system can be a deterrent for burglars. Many insurance providers offer discounts for homes with monitored security systems, making it a cost-effective safety measure. Talk to your Merit broker if you have recently installed a home monitoring device.

The Importance of Inventory Tracking 

In the unfortunate event of a burglary, having a detailed inventory of your belongings can expedite the claims process. Download our personalized Merit Insurance inventory tracker to guide you in the documentation process. Inventory trackers are used for:

  • Detailed Descriptions: Include make, model, serial numbers, and purchase dates for valuable items.
  • Photographic Evidence: Take clear pictures of your possessions to provide visual documentation.
  • Receipts and Appraisals: Keep records of purchase receipts, appraisals, and any relevant documents to validate the value of your items.

Steps To Take If You Experience a Break-In

If you experience a break-in, swift action is crucial. Follow these steps to expedite the claims process:

  1. Contact Authorities: Report the burglary to the police immediately. Obtain a copy of the police report for documentation purposes.
  1. Notify Your Insurance Provider: Contact your Merit broker promptly to initiate the claims process. Provide all necessary information and documentation, including the police report and your inventory tracker.
  1. Work with Professionals: Engage with law enforcement, insurance adjusters, and other professionals to facilitate a smooth resolution. Cooperating fully with the investigation can enhance the chances of recovering stolen items.

As the threat of home burglaries looms in Ontario, we encourage homeowners to take proactive steps to safeguard their homes and possessions. Your insurance policy serves as a crucial safety net, providing financial protection against unforeseen circumstances. By fortifying your home’s defences and maintaining a comprehensive inventory, you can enhance your overall security and be better prepared in the face of adversity. Remember, protecting your home is not just about preventing losses – it’s about ensuring peace of mind for you and your loved ones.