Returning To Work After COVID-19

Returning To Work After COVID-19

As Ontario roll’s out the first phase of re-opening the province during COVID-19, Canadians are excited to see some level of normalcy return to our day to day lives. However, companies can’t return to ‘business as usual’ immediately. People and businesses alike must prepare themselves both physically and mentally to adapt to the new post-COVID-19 work environment.

What does this mean for Merit Insurance?

Although our team remained fully operational during the Stay Home regulation, our physical offices have been closed since March to comply with Ontario law. As part of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), employers are responsible to protect workers from hazards in the workplace. As we prepare to open the offices and learn how to work amidst COVID-19, we will be following the strict Guidelines being implemented by the Ontario Government. While we continue to monitor the situation and await updates from Premier Ford, the Merit management team has already begun drafting rules and regulations for coming back to work.

To protect our team from hazards related to COVID-19 we have:

  • Ordered Plexiglas barriers for the reception and currently awaiting installation.
  • Created signage for physical distancing, proper handwashing, and reminders not to touch your face: Signs will be posted throughout the office, as well as arrows on the floor to help direct traffic to avoid close contact with others.
  • Pre-screening of each employee before returning to the office.
  • We recognize that our team constantly interacts with surfaces including printer/photocopier, and shared workspace. Therefore, we have increased our cleaning schedule and offer sanitizer at various high traffic areas within the office.
  • Integrate physical distancing by staggering start times, breaks and lunches, or allowing some groups to continue to work from home.
  • Controlling entry points to designated work areas and limiting the number of people in a workspace.
  • Recognize and report COVID-19 symptoms amongst employees. All staff will be sent home if they are feeling unwell.
  • We are working with the facility manager to increase cleaning frequency.

We are discouraging our clients from coming to the office as much as possible during these unprecedented times. If a client does wish to come to the office, we will offer a mask or other protective gear. Clients’ interactions will be designated to the boardroom, which utilizes a glass barrier and promotes social distancing. If the brokers are meeting with clients outside of the office, physical distancing must be adhered to and we recommend you wear a mask during your interaction.

Although we do not have a definitive date of when the Merit family can be re-united, our management team will ensure the environment is safe for all for when that day arrives.