The Keys To Stopping Auto Thieves

The Keys To Stopping Auto Thieves

You scratch your head. You think “I’m pretty sure that’s where I parked it”. Then the reality hits like a two-tonne truck. “Someone stole my car!” Though you’re insured, there’s such a sinking feeling to it all…it’s an intrusion and violation of that comfortable, personal space in your vehicle.

Clearly, rising auto thefts concern all of us. Thieves have become more sophisticated, aggressive, and opportunistic. So, owners need to take more steps to lock them out. Ultimately, with some diligent and vigilant habits, you can be your vehicle’s best defense against theft.

The Keys To Stopping Auto ThievesTHEFT-PROTECTION TIPS

No cost prevention

  • Park smart – Park your car in the garage, or if you are unable to, in a well-lit, highly visible parking space.
  • Don’t make it easy – Never leave your vehicle unattended while idling. Ensure doors are locked and windows are rolled up.

Low-cost prevention

  • Build a barrier – Use a steering wheel lock (i.e., the Club anti-theft steering wheel lock) to present a barrier to theft and maybe dissuade the attempt.
  • Be signal silent – Store keys away from the front door or in an aluminum/ metal box. Containers, such as these, block the radio signals that thieves use to steal your vehicle. You can also install a data port (OBD port) lock, which can block physical access to your vehicle’s onboard computer systems, preventing thieves from re- programming them.
  • Track it – TAG is a multifaceted anti-theft system that works to both deter and prevent vehicle theft, as well as recover your vehicle should it be stolen. TAG uses anti- jamming technology which is secure and cannot be easily intercepted by thieves.

To learn how to protect your vehicle from being stolen Click Here.