The Effect of Speed on Pedestrian Safety in School Zones | Merit Insurance Brokers Inc., Toronto, Waterdown, Ontario, Canada

The Effect of Speed on Pedestrian Safety in School Zones

As summer winds down and school is back in session, the roads become busier. Parents are once again dropping off and picking up kids, school buses are back in action, and sidewalks are filled with children heading to school. With this hustle and bustle, drivers need to pay close attention, especially regarding speed limits in school zones.

The Importance of Speed Limits

Speed limits are in place for a reason, especially in areas where children are present. Ignoring these limits can lead to serious consequences, not just for your wallet—with fines reaching up to $595 in Ontario—but for the safety of pedestrians. Kids are particularly at risk, and even a slight increase in speed can make a big difference regarding the potential for injuries.

What Happens at Different Speeds

When a vehicle hits a pedestrian, the outcome largely depends on how fast the vehicle is going. At lower speeds, like 30 km/h, the risk of serious injury for a child is relatively low—about 25%. However, that risk jumps significantly to around 75% at speeds of 50 km/h. In school zones, where kids might suddenly run into the street, every kilometre matters.

Children are smaller and less visible than adults, which makes them more vulnerable. Their centre of gravity is lower, and this affects how injuries occur. A child hit at 30 km/h might get away with just a bump, while at 50 km/h, the injuries can be life-altering.

The Dangers of Darting Out

One of the most common scenarios in school zones is when kids unexpectedly dash out in front of cars. In these moments, drivers have little time to react, and the higher the speed, the less likely they are to stop in time. This is why it’s crucial to adhere to those school-zone speed limits.

It’s concerning that many drivers still speed in school zones. A 2019 CAA poll found that 70% of Canadians have seen speeding in these areas. In the U.S., studies indicate that 50% to 90% of drivers ignore school-zone limits. This kind of behaviour endangers our most precious passengers—our children.

As we gear up for another school year, let’s all commit to keeping our roads safe. Slowing down in school zones is a simple step we can take to protect pedestrians. At Merit Insurance, we care about community safety and want everyone to be aware of the impact of their driving habits. Remember, taking a little extra time on the road can make all the difference in keeping our kids safe as they head to school. Let’s work together to make this school year a safe one!