Home Preparedness: Power Outages, Water Needs, and Fire Exit Routes | Merit Insurance Brokers Inc., Toronto, Waterdown, Ontario, Canada

Home Preparedness: Power Outages, Water Needs, and Fire Exit Routes

At Merit Insurance, we understand that life can bring unexpected challenges—whether it’s a sudden power outage, running low on water, or needing to evacuate quickly during a fire. The good news? You can stay ahead of these situations with some planning. Let’s go over a few simple steps to help you and your family stay prepared.

Power Outages: Staying Calm in the Dark
Nobody enjoys losing power, but it doesn’t have to throw your entire routine off. Here’s how you can be ready:

  • Stock Up on Essentials: Keep flashlights handy (with extra batteries) and have a portable radio to stay informed. Candles might seem like a cozy option, but they can be risky—use them carefully and never leave them unattended.
  • Consider Backup Power: If your area is prone to outages, a small generator could be a lifesaver. It can keep essentials like your fridge or medical equipment running. Remember to operate it in a well-ventilated area—carbon monoxide is dangerous.
  • Protect Your Food and Water: When the power goes out, keep the fridge and freezer closed to preserve the cold. After four hours, you might need to start discarding perishable items. No one wants to deal with food poisoning on top of everything else.
  • Stay Connected: Make sure you have a portable phone charger available. It’s also a good idea to check in on neighbours—especially the elderly or those living alone.

Water Needs: Preparing for the Worst
We often take water for granted, but it’s important to have a plan for emergencies.

  • Store Extra Water: You’ll need about four litres of water per person per day—two for drinking and two for other uses (cooking, cleaning, hygiene). Keep at least a three-day supply on hand for your family.
  • Purification Options: If your stored water runs out, having water purification tablets or a filtration system ready is a smart idea. You never know when you might need to rely on a less-than-ideal water source.
  • Alternative Sources: If your taps run dry, you can get resourceful. Water from your water heater, ice, or even your toilet tank (yes, really—just not the bowl if it’s treated with chemicals) can be used safely in a pinch.

Fire Exit Routes: Getting Out Safely
No one likes to think about house fires, but having a plan is essential.

  • Create an Exit Plan: Walk through your home and identify at least two exits from every room, such as doors or windows. Draw up the plan and ensure everyone in the family knows it.
  • Practise It: Knowing the plan isn’t enough—you need to practise it. Run regular fire drills with your family so everyone knows exactly what to do. In an emergency, muscle memory can make all the difference.
  • Clear Your Exits: Don’t wait until there’s smoke to realize your windows are jammed or clutter is blocking a door. Check now to make sure all exits are easily accessible.
  • Pick a Safe Meeting Spot: Choose a meeting point outside your home where everyone can gather once they’ve safely exited. This way, you’ll know if someone is still inside and can inform first responders.

At Merit Insurance, we’re here to help you protect what matters most. Emergencies happen, but with a little preparation, you can ensure your family is safe and ready for anything. Need help reviewing your home insurance? Reach out and experience the Merit Difference.